Arkansas Judge Rules on $500K Lottery Ticket Dispute Between Employee and Employer


An Arkansas judge issued an eye-catching ruling this week, ruling that a prize worth $550K from scratch-off lottery ticket must be shared equally between its owner and an employee who worked under them, according to reports by The Arkansas Democrat Gazette.

Origin of the Dispute

Jorge Rivera Palma began an altercation when Jose Quinteros filed a lawsuit alleging he breached their agreement of splitting proceeds equally after they both bought lottery tickets together on February 2, 2023. According to Jose Quinteros’ allegations, both parties agreed upon an equitable distribution of any winnings from four tickets they purchased together on this date.

Palma refuted Quinteros’ claim, insisting that while she had given him money to purchase two tickets with, Palma also bought additional ones using his own funds; when one of those winning tickets occurred, Palma believed he should own sole ownership as there had been no agreement to divide their winnings equally between themselves.

Divergent Accounts

Both parties agreed that Palma had purchased the winning “AR 200X” ticket from a Quick Mart store in Rogers, Arkansas; however, their stories diverged dramatically upon discovering Palma had actually won it and refused to return the ticket when asked by Quinteros to bring it home to show it off for him and share any future winnings equally with him. According to Quinteros’ account of events following that purchase by Palma using funds from previous winnings from jointly bought tickets purchased, and plans made about sharing any future wins between both of them and Quinteros once told of Palma refusing return of said winning ticket even upon discoveringing its win by Quinteros from Palma refusing return after discovering this win by refusing both his friend with no explanation or return of same from Quinteros or vice versa when discovering winning ticket return was refused from Palma when shown from Quinteros upon finding it out and told Quinteros to bring ticket home where she refused return despite him insistent on doing just this thing until she did return it at all cost; finally quiteros said the purchase made use of funds previously won jointly bought tickets previously won by both parties together until Palma refused its return after discovering its win after which Quinteros brought it only then refused its return for further winning ticket was returned! According to Quinteros before Palma asked Quinteros after discovering it to show relatives but refused return it!

Quinteros described how, upon giving Palma the ticket and waiting in his car for its return, despite phone calls being made and attempts being made at resolution being ineffective; Palma eventually disappeared with it being cashed by someone other than Quinteros but without sharing proceeds as promised initially, according to Quinteros’ assertions.

Ruling for Joint Ownership

Judge Xollie Duncan found that Quinteros and Palma had indeed formed a joint venture regarding lottery tickets, necessitating an equal split of any winnings from this venture. Accordingly, Quinteros is entitled to half of the net prize amounting to approximately $177,750 after taxes from an overall prize totaling $355,500.

Aaron Cash, Quinteros’ attorney, expressed their delight with the court’s verdict by emphasizing their belief in an existing joint venture as well as in its justness.

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