7 Card Stud Poker: How to Play

7 Card Stud Poker is an age-old poker game that was immensely popular before Texas Hold’em became popular. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the rules and gameplay of 7 Card Stud Poker.

Objective of the Game

The aim of 7 Card Stud Poker is to win the pot – that is, all bets made by players in a hand. A hand can be won either by having the best five-card poker hand at showdown or forcing all other players to fold theirs.

Basic Rules of the Game

7 card stud poker7 Card Stud is a card game played with a standard deck of 52 cards and it can accommodate anywhere from two to eight players. Each player receives seven cards throughout the hand, but only the best five-card combination is used to determine who will win.


Before the hand begins, all players must place an ante into the pot. This small bet is mandatory for all participants and serves to create an initial pot for the game.

Third Street

The game begins with each player being dealt three cards – two face down (hole cards) and one face up (door card). The player with the lowest door card must make a forced bet known as “bringing-in”, which usually equals half of their minimum bet for that hand.

When two or more players possess the same low door card, the closest player to the dealer’s left must make the bring-in bet. After that, play proceeds clockwise around the table with each player having an option to fold, call their bring-in bet, or raise their stake accordingly.

Fourth Street

After the betting round for third street is complete, each remaining player is dealt a fourth card face up – this card being known as fourth street. A new round of betting then commences, starting with the player with the highest hand showing on their upcards.

Fifth Street

Once all betting for fourth street is finished, each remaining player is dealt a fifth card face up – known as fifth street. A new round of betting commences, beginning with the person with the highest hand showing on their upcards.

Sixth Street

Once five street betting is finished, each remaining player is dealt a sixth card face up – known as sixth street. Another round of betting commences, beginning with the player with the highest hand showing on their upcards.

Seventh Street

After the betting for sixth street is complete, each remaining player is dealt a seventh and final card face down – known as the river card. This card serves as the final wager in this round; those with the highest hands showing on their upcards begin betting first.


After the final round of betting, if there are still two or more players left, a showdown occurs. In this scenario, all cards are revealed and the person with the best five-card hand using any combination of their hole cards and upcards wins the pot.

If two or more players possess the same five-card hand, the pot is divided evenly between them. If all other players fold before showdown, however, the remaining player wins without having to reveal their cards.


In 7 Card Stud, players must constantly assess their hand and that of opponents to make informed decisions. One effective strategy is paying attention to other players’ upcards; these provide useful information about the strength of their hands.

Another essential strategy is knowing when to fold. Players should not hesitate to fold if they feel their chances of winning are not favorable, even if they have already contributed money into the pot.

Bluffing can be an effective strategy in 7 Card Stud, but it should only be employed sparingly and only against certain opponents. Bluffing involves making a bet or raise with a weak hand to fool opponents into believing you have more chips than you actually possess. Unfortunately, experienced players often detect bluffs quickly and call them out on them, so exercise caution when using this strategy.

Another effective strategy in 7 Card Stud is to read your opponents and gain insight into the strength of their hands. This could involve observing betting patterns, studying upcards, and noting any tells or habits they may possess.

Finally, it’s essential to manage your bankroll responsibly in 7 Card Stud. This means creating a budget and sticking to it, as well as avoiding tilt – an emotional state of upset or frustration which may cause players to make irrational decisions and lose more money than intended.


7 Card Stud Poker is an ancient and challenging game that requires skill, strategy and some luck. Players must carefully assess their hand as well as that of opponents to make informed decisions; they must also be willing to fold if needed. With practice and experience comes success at 7 Card Stud; come enjoy this timeless poker classic for all its thrills!

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